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Understanding the Complexities of a Leaflet Distributor's Job

"One can't fully understand the life of another until they've walked a mile in their shoes."

Ever tried distributing leaflets? It's not until you've spent an entire day delivering in both the pouring rain and scorching summer heat, navigating through densely populated urban areas and isolated country roads, that you can truly grasp the intricacies of a door drop campaign. Occasionally, our office personnel join leaflet distributors on their routes, either to observe or assist during peak periods. They are routinely taken aback by the myriad small (or sometimes substantial) factors that we overlook from the comfort of our desks and how differently a distribution can turn out from one street – or even one household – to the next.

The following visuals demonstrate the disparity among distributions. It's intriguing to ponder what this implies for leaflet distributors on the ground.

Residential Architecture

Terraced houses can be covered swiftly due to their proximity to each other, unlike detached or semi-detached homes.

However, even streets with terraced houses can have multiple sets of steps leading up to the entrance, which inevitably prolongs the distribution process compared to homes situated closer to the sidewalk.

Driveways & Gates

Lengthy driveways contribute to increased mileage and distribution times. The act of opening and shutting gates, though seemingly simple, is another minor detail that decelerates our leaflet distributors.

"No Junk Mail" Signs

These signs are often hidden from the view of the sidewalk, meaning that distributors might walk up and down the paths or driveways of many homes that reject leaflets.


A large, easily accessible mailbox is much quicker to slip a folded letter into than a small, stiff one with inner brushes, which can turn out to be a slow and intricate task. Larger magazines and leaflets may pose a challenge for smaller mailboxes. It's not rare for distributors to sustain cuts on their hands from opening mailboxes.


Even in major towns, certain areas are hilly, slowing down distributors as they strive to ascend these slopes with bags full of leaflets.


Our seasoned delivery teams operate in all weather conditions. Whether it's rain, sunshine, or even snow, our distributors are out there, delivering. Rainy days pose a unique challenge as it becomes difficult to keep leaflets dry. Distributors must keep leaflets in their waterproof bags until they reach the front door, a slower method than holding a stack of leaflets in their hands on dry days. On hot summer days, everyone feels the need to slow down, but leaflets must still be delivered regardless of the temperature. Our distributors must stay hydrated, shield their heads from the sun, and although the job still gets done, these are the days when our teams feel the most drained compared to those of us in air-conditioned offices.

Our operation would not exist without the people on the streets delivering your leaflets and letters to potential customers. However, most people are unaware of what the job entails. There are even more obstacles than those listed here, and we want to recognize the dedication of our leaflet distribution teams who are the final piece in the door drop puzzle. Visit our FAQ page for more insight into the specifics of our leaflet delivery service.

Should you feel unprepared to spend countless days trekking through streets to distribute thousands of your leaflets, don't worry. Our skilled team is ready and willing to handle the task for you.


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